Being on a constant house-hunt in chase of a nice permanent residence,
this last month has made me explore more of
London´s grandeur and sadness
and the conditions people
- we all -
live in.
One of my temporary harbourages is Brixton and I love discovering this dynamic and frank neighbourhood with its history and ongoing metamorphoses.
A large part of exploring it happens on my regular commute to work
which I pass with the help
of my running shoes or my beloved bike
in alternating fashion.
Especially on bright, but brisk and crisp mornings like these I feel very lucky of experiencing all this.
With so many signs along the way, this one here
definitively has become my favourite very quickly.
And to be honest, all others get considerately ignored ...
... as I make my way through lively Brixton-town slowly.
Promising names of concealed, unimposing streets ...
... of great, seemingly unconspicious people
and the adventures
they kept at hand for me here
so far ...
A lot to think about and contemplate
- consciously and subconsciously -
on the way to work.
I love to experience this slow and gentle but constant transformation of intermeshing districts - especially when running, there is so much to see and to think about as the pace renders the amount of information and impressions more digestible.
And the few, but all the more
important "greens"
along my way ...
... get embraced
with great thankfulness and
eagerness to experiment.
Passing Elephant & Castle on my way and viewing the Shard in the background I become aware that I still feel like a tourist in this city ...
... and that this feeling might well
continue to be my companion regardless of the time
I will spend here.
Getting closer into Central London, things get heated up and crowds more prominent.
Around Waterloo Station my attempt to anticipate the movements of a million busy fast-paced individuals gets regularly challenged ...
As mostly in life,
sometimes one
is successful in one´s aspirations,
sometimes one is not.
The latter cases periodically lead to resent- and sweatful body-contact ...
I admire people `s
and endurance ...
... while I am squeezing and sprinting
through the queues they form
when waiting for their buses to transport
them to
which ever destination they aim for.
Sometimes I feel like a running reporter
- a little bit ridiculous, this means -
especially, when taking all these photographs while running to work.
If I had not become a doctor yet or if I hated my job, I sometimes feel that
being a documentarist on the run
would be a good temporary profession as well.
Closer to my destination
Waterloo Bridge has become one of my favourite bridges recently.
Biking over it by night-time on the way back
- very few cars around & a great breeze on my skin -
evokes just as many interesting feelings ...
... as the iconic views on a bright,
but busy morning
like this.
Even though Hungerford Railway Bridge is strictly speaking not on my shortest way to work,
detours still remain very attractive to me.
Quite symbolic and sometimes painful, I guess.
The detour to Hungerford Bridge is one of the highly rewarded detours though
as it offers the results of STIK´s
recent reach out to the public to colour his famous figures:

For more information, see:

Back on track,
my destination gets alarmingly close ...
... and with the building of my aspiration
being probably one of the most ugly ones along the whole way ...
... I realize that one of the better things of not working in the hospital at the moment
is the perspective that after this heated commute to work
I can now spend my morning doing labwork
(rather than running around in fancy clinics-costumes!)