Moving North - City-Celebrations vs Nature
Owing to my schoolmate this weekend I got a nice chance to explore England´s north, some interesting festival-culture and a beautiful piece of nature a bit further.
Sheffield was the place of my destination
and the Tramlines-Festival the perfect occasion to further indulge in studying
and their way to celebrate
music ...
and dirt ...
At times I was a bit struck by this peculiar mixture of
obvious kitsch and celebration,

besides emptyness and devastation ...
and the amount of "alcoholism ...
and aggression in the air"!
Luckily I was never really worried
because I knew
that there was a super-spiderman around the corner,
just waiting for his call ...
Still we had to flee "civilisation" after two intense days in the city
but not before pronouncing my biggest compliment to my favourite group of this year´s Tramlines:
- who are on the road to nowhere,
but definitively will be back by tea time -
and made me enjoy the best interpretation of Wagner´s Ride of the Valkyrie
I have seen so far.
Still it was great to explore the "so nearby" Peak District for a day to rest and digest
the previous days
For me
nature´s simplicity
and vastness
is always great for this.
And who can say that England´s countryside would not be beautiful ...
or romantic ...