Friday, 26 July 2013

Moving North - City-Celebrations vs Nature

Owing to my schoolmate this weekend I got a nice chance to explore England´s north, some interesting festival-culture and a beautiful piece of nature a bit further. 
Sheffield was the place of my destination

and the Tramlines-Festival the perfect occasion to further indulge in studying 


and their way to celebrate


music ...

and dirt ...

At times I was a bit struck by this peculiar mixture of 


                              obvious kitsch and celebration,

besides emptyness and devastation ...
and the amount of "alcoholism ...

and aggression in the air"!


Luckily I was never really worried 
because I knew 

that there was a super-spiderman around the corner, 
just waiting for his call ... 

Still we had to flee "civilisation" after two intense days in the city 

but not before pronouncing my biggest compliment to my favourite group of this year´s Tramlines: 


- who are on the road to nowhere, 
but definitively will be back by tea time - 

and made me enjoy the best interpretation of Wagner´s Ride of the Valkyrie 
I have seen so far.

Still it was great to explore the "so nearby" Peak District for a day to rest and digest 
the previous days 

For me 

nature´s simplicity 

and vastness 

is always great for this. 

And who can say that England´s countryside would not be beautiful ...

       or romantic ...

Monday, 15 July 2013

The Optimist - Or "Storming" France on Bastille-Day

I brooded over it a pretty long while, whether I should blog about this to me very special event, or not. 
My internal wish and strong belief in the benefit of "sharing" unique situations
 are opposed to my doubts
whether this is actually "shareable" or conveyable to people not having been along during the day.

But, in the end, optimism won, and I will tell you why ... 

  (found on the door of the bunk on "The Optimist", July 14th)

So here is my humble attempt to share our optimistic "storming" of France:

As some of you knew, the idea of "coming back" to the mainland, swimming, was in my head since I moved to London last fall. But to be honest, to cross the English Channel was rather a funny dream than a real project.
Since yesterday, it is no longer. And I owe this to three very special persons who gave me the opportunity to join their long-ahead planned relay in the very last minute, even though I had come on boat with the idea of supporting them solely logistically and morally in their crossing.
And still, the whole day continues to feel like a dream to me, retrospectively.

Starting off with an unexpected traffic jam
and a thereby one-hour-delayed start from dark Dover Harbour ...

... at around 2 am in the night,
everyone was very nervous and the experience began rather grim and very unreal ...
I enjoyed it though as there was this special feeling of uncertainty and adventure inside me
To be honest: I enjoyed it a lot!
(but don´t tell anyone)

Also seeing the name of our boat raised some special prefigurement of something that will not be easy, but possible:

After 2 hours and 30 minutes in the swim - just last minute along the regulations of the CS & PF - the three official relayists asked me to enter their swim in order to become the fourth authorised member of the team.
My answer was non-hesitant and totally clear as something I had silently hoped for (and maybe it had escaped from my eyes occasionally, in situations where I was not strong enough to keep my absolute wish to swim the English Channel to France inside of me) became real ...

And as if I was not yet lucky enough, entering the water as fourth gave me this beautiful natural setting to swim and dive into:

When coming out of the water after my first swim, totally exhausted
(each swim was in our case just one hour with a 3 hours break - so there is no huge point in saving a lot of energy during each actual swim!) and freezing cold, the crew-members told me that they had actually spotted some porpoises not too far away while I was swimming.
I still do not know whether it was good or bad that I did not see them myself during my swim: Maybe my startle reaction would have gotten me out of my calm and determined mind-set, but porpoises definitively are the nicer chaps one can meet out there in the Channel (Dani had some very unpleasant encounters with jellyfish- and seaweed-clusters for which I still do not envy him).

With some more hours in the swim,
the Optimist
(in all of us)
- though still during the rather grey morning here -
became more and more enlightened and strong:

We can actually do it! 

Big tankers were curved around very slowly, but elegantly (of course)

... and the white cliffs of Dover finally got out of sighting distance ...

exchanging doting smiles (adrenaline? crazyness? total fatigue?),
resting and
finally getting warm again

became existential while one of us four was always pulling us imperturbably further direction France.

Eventually also the sun decided to help our fight against the cold water temperatures. Its importance for me really became the key discovery today: I would have never been able to swim the whole distance in such cold water on a day like today with these rather low water temperatures on my own. And I really hope for all soloists of this year´s channel crossing that the water temperature quickly raises.
Whether this was one of the causes of the shocking death of a young British solo-swimmer just one mile away from the coast after having been for so long in this water today remains speculation, but this is definitively not to be taken lightly.

Finally storming France in this triumphant mood was a wonderful feeling as we got all of our crew-members (apart from the pilot himself and the observers of the CS & PF of course) into the water as well and they got finally rewarded by sharing this special moment with us ...

... of touching land and embracing France (and each other).
 As it is so evident, but can never be said often enough that without them we would never have  made it ...

I loved the crazy, powerful and relentless mixture of emotions with predominantly
total relief and
 embedded by the feeling of never being alone and having reinforced a special connection
to very special people today.

                             And to be honest, 

                             there was and there is still a big part of me 

                             left with incredulity that we actually made it 

                         (but it is really France in the background, I swear!)

Thanks to the best crew I could imagine and my three co-swimmers

something I had always thought of being impossible became possible today.

 - Especially to swim with these three meant a lot to me and having reached France altogether is a wonderful side-achievement of some very special and - this time definitively unconveyable - bond. -

For "more official" information, please visit:

See Stickfast Laner´s Twitter Feed from 13. & 14. July:

Monday, 8 July 2013

Finally, Shoreditch offers more of her
or: Plan a Miracle

This weekend I found out that the artist I had liked for the "blue texts" around Shoreditch
is actually really a woman, like I had suspected. 
And she has been productive, with some colourful new themes lately: 

One can still recognize the recycled figures from her older paintings ...

... and the sort of statement has some 
recognition effect as well ...

... even though way more concrete and less imaginative or poetic this time ...

     This must come with the summer as things have sped up here in London not unsignificantly ever since its beginning. 
But not only colourwise I am definitively on the conservative side and prefer her previous 
"winter work" ... 
Let s see what is coming up, once summer is over. 

Monday, 1 July 2013

Nothing Great is Easy

Lately, I consider myself very lucky. After some long, dry period, there is now again
W A T E R. 
In all its different forms: sometimes wavy, sometimes calm. 
But always there. 

After this day and my channel-qualifying swim in Dover Harbour

it is getting more and more


in my head

that I want to become a more dedicated open-water-swimmer:

Swimming in great nature spots
with as little effort
but as much indulgence
and resilience as possible
is just far too attractive for me to be neglected any further in my life!

                                                                         I coupled up with two fantastic female swimmers today and it was just inspiring to swim alongside of them and watch them move so smoothly.
There was no fight, but just silent agreement in how to take the waves and how to bear the cold. 
So perfect. 
I loved the coldness, the intermittent harshness of the waves and the salt of the sea in my mouth.

When you swim for so long, your thoughts "chew" on everything that matters to you,
nearly endlessly.
I chewed on a conversation I just recently had and recalled it over and over again to remember each word and think about its meaning and my taking of it.
I chewed upon a musical piece I love playing at the moment.
And I chewed upon the salty taste of the sea´s water in my mouth while contemplating parts of ...

... the white cliffs of Dover when breathing to the right side and swimming parallel to the shore.
Over and over again.

When lucky, the swim can get very rhythmic and nearly meditative and I often experience that this empowers thinking from a very different and intense angle on common situations or problems.
It is transforming. At least as long as you are in the water ...

I would love to swim the channel one day.
Relay first.
And if some miracle mental and physical transformation happens I will also want to attempt a solo.