Living sinuously - Welcoming the Chinese Year of the Snake 2013
Even though just being the fourth largest Asian section of London´s population, today around Leicester Square, Chinatown & Trafalgar Square one could get a different impression:
The vast Chinese community was not deterred by the self-evident London rain from welcoming the Chinese New Year in a very lively, inviting and colourful fashion. This day of festivities, parades, decoration, dances and ceremonies is also known as the spring festival, being one of the most important Chinese celebrations where myths and superstition meet family reunion traditions and non-religious ceremonies. The celebrations in London keep on growing annually and are now the biggest outside Asia.
The 12-year-cycle of the Chinese calendar reveals the year 2013 to be the year of the Snake
- let s see what this means ...

During my day I encountered several wildly-dancing snakes ...
... but could also witness a very interesting taming procedure:
I am afraid life is about demystifying myths ...
This dragon here was particularly fascinating -
if you have a very close look, its black African steering man creates a beautiful (colour) contrast.
For me this picture in particular is about London´s unique cultural diversity ...

Regardless of the rain,
and Trafalgar Square
were packed with
people ...
... Chinese lanterns ...
... and crazy (meat) offers.
Live sinuously, in the name of the Snake.